Saturday, October 3, 2009

The event of September 26, 2009 on the premises of Die Bult (thanks to the generosity of the current head at the Institution Mr. Lodewyk Meyer) was a huge success. We wish to thank Kevin Large for taking it upon himself to arrange the get-together to celebrate amongst others, the "Class of 69"s 40th. We also wish to thank him for his tireless efforts to search for and tracing former pupils, teachers and staff who attended the Bult High School. Thanks to him the data bank has gained quite a few names. He surprised many of us with the ex-Dasse and teachers he managed to trace and ultimately convinced to attend this function!

Ons wil ook groot waardering uitspreek vir die onskatbare hulp wat Truia Vosloo, Mariaan Barnard en Melissa McCarthy verleen het met die aanbied van die byeenkoms. Sonder hulle hulp sou dit nie moontlik gewees het om so 'n suksesvolle geleentheid aan te bied nie. Truia het ook goedgunstelik verblyf vir 'n paar aanwesiges gereël. Sy is summier tot 'n ere-Das verklaar!

Hier is 'n paar foto's wat tydens die geleentheid geneem is. Mettertyd sal nog foto's geplaas word.

Mr. Meyer has expressed his wishes for these get-togethers of ex-Dasse to continue. He has also indicated that he is keen for us to arrange a formal function at the school in the near future. He has also given a hint that there are plans in place to revive the old school. Hopefully he will brief us soon in this regard. We will keep you posted.

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